Module 2

Module 2: Foundations of Asana & Pranayama

Key Focus

  • 3rd and 4th Limbs of Yoga

  • Anatomy

  • Vinyasa

  • Standing Asana

  • Introduction to Pranayama

  • Asana Sequencing & Timing (Muhurtas & Krama)


  • 2.1 | Anatomy

  • 2.2 | Injuries

  • 2.3 | Props

  • 2.4 | Muhurtas

  • 2.5 | Vayus

  • 2.6 | Asana Foundations

  • 2.7 | Surya Namaskara

  • 2.8 | Standing Asana

  • 2.9 | Pranayama

  • 2.10 | Krama

Module 2 Overview

Required Materials

Suggested Materials

  • Ashtanga Yoga Practice and Philosophy by Gregor Maehle

  • The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar

  • Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health by BKS Iyengar 

  • The Key Muscles of Yoga by Ray Long

  • The Key Poses of Yoga by Ray Long

  • Yoga Mala by Pattabhi Jois

  • Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

  • Light on Pranayama by BKS Iyengar

  • Primary Series Guide (click here)

  • Yoga Sutras for Ashtanga Students (click here)

  • Vayu Siddhi Secrets to Yogic Breathing A Guide to Ujjayi Breathing and Pranayama (click here)

  • Podcast: Outsmarting Pain in Practice (click here)

  • Podcast: Customizing your Practice is 7th Series (click here)

Independent Study Opportunities (w/ instructor permission)

Foundations First Asana Course

Vayu Siddhi Pranayama Course

Working With Injuries Course

Primary Series Guide

Module 2.1 | Anatomy

Points of Focus

  • Anatomical terms

  • Utilizing anatomy to prevent injuries and develop lasting relationships with students

Module 2.2 | Injuries

Points of Focus

  • How to prevent injuries

  • How to care for existing injuries

  • Communicating about injuries

  • Leadership as a teacher regarding injuries

  • Theory within yoga for how injuries manifest

Module 2.3 | Props

Points of Focus

  • Have your own personal prop “kit”

  • What props are necessary for basic asana?

  • What are some less common props?

  • How to utilize props

Module 2.4 | Muhurtas

Points of Focus

  • Time of day to practice

  • Relevance of circadian rhythms

  • Life/Work Balance

  • Moon Days & Yoga Holidays

  • The role of asana in lifespan development

Module 2.5 | Vayus

Points of Focus

  • Definitions of Energy as it relates to Human Being

  • Definition of Prana

  • Definition of Vayu

  • Definition of Chakra

  • Prana and Apana Vayu as it relates to Vinyasa or Hatha Yoga

Module 2.6 | Asana Foundations

Points of Focus

  • What is the purpose of asana as mentioned in the yoga sutras, as one aspect of the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga?

  • Does Asana “replace” other aspects of yoga that are more spiritual, or can asana itself be made into a spiritual practice?

  • What are the threats and risk to a life dedicated to asana practice, as opposed to other emphasis in yoga such as pranayama, bhakti, karma, or meditation?

  • Who is fit to practice asana?

  • What are the most basic asana sequences in the lineage of T. Krishnamacharya?

Module 2.7 | Surya Namaskara

Points of Focus

  • Vinyasa simplicity and clarity in practice

  • Vedic exercise vs. Yogic introspection

  • Ritualized asana sequencing

  • Sattva, Rajas, Tamas as it relates to motion

Module 2.8 | Standing Asana

Points of Focus

  • How to connect with the ground

  • Foundational and Standing Sequence of Ashtanga Yoga

  • How to strategically utilize gravity to our advantage

  • Static “States” vs. Dynamic “Transitions” in Asana

Module 2.9 | Pranayama

Points of Focus

  • When to practice pranayama

  • Pranayama as a compliment to asana

  • Basic Pranayama Sequence

Module 2.10 | Krama

Points of Focus

  • Basics of Sequencing Logic

  • Theories of Viniyoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar regarding sequencing

  • Duration and Speed

  • Age and Disability

Module 2.11 | Exam #2

Exam Topics

  • Asana

  • Pranayama

  • Krama

    note: Anatomy course has separate examinations

Supplemental Content

Standing Asana Videos

Below are videos of most standing asana covered in the training

Up dog:

Down dog:

Surya Namaskara:



Uthita Trikonasana: adjustments:

Parivritta Trikonasana:

Uthita Parsvakonasana:

Prasarita Paddotanasana:


Uthita Hasta Padangustasana:

Ardha Baddha Padmottonasana: